New Moon Approaching - what do I do?

Often times when I start to mention the moon phases to my clients, a certain level of excitement enters their realm as we brain storm on how to use the energies and phases for the best.  The best intentions, energies, connections and to be mindful with Mother Nature and what she is providing for us.  This month, on June 13th (tomorrow), we'll be in New Moon of Gemini, and that means a whole lotta STUFF is gonna start to happen. 

The power of suggestion gives us awareness, and the ability to predict helps us feel a bit more safe.  Though we know we cannot control the energies of the Universe, as particles do what they want, we CAN understand our power of observer and use traits of the Universe as tools to trek the spiritual journey.  The popular Affirmation Horoscope by C. Nicholas says, 

"In Gemini, the new moon focuses on what we might learn, communicate, and distribute in the area of life that it impacts. Gemini is forever searching for its twin. A twin that can pick up on both verbal and non-verbal cues. A twin that will stay connected no matter the space both parties need. A twin that is busy dancing to their own beat, but always ready to get down to the good groves that others have to offer.
Work with this new moon by writing out, reciting, recording and listening back to your affirmations written below. Feel free to change the wording so that they resonate with you on a very specific and personal level."
I love to use dry erase markers and will write out my to-do lists, my hopes, my goals, my realistic goals, my dreams, my 'if I win the lottery' list and so forth.  Then, I erase the things I know I don't need. The items that don't really matter and do not need my attention in the next few days.  As we nourish the seeds and intentions of our desires, we try and use our energy at the New Moon to prioritize and organize our thoughts. 
I love drawing a hot bath with Epsom salts and drinking a cold infused water; thinking about how I can cleanse my mental space of any clutter.  Detox your sacred space by getting rid of unwanted items, things sitting out and perhaps that could find a home elsewhere. DETOX your life in every way that you can during this New Moon because the Universe is bringing her YOU DUMP IT truck and isn't going to charge you! 
That way, whatever you choose to do with your new space and extra energy when the waxing moon begins to grow, you'll have your vision set.  Draw, write, speak it out - and let the Universe know what you want and then HELP MAKE IT HAPPEN. 
They say, "Since Gemini is the sign of creative manifestation do consider harnessing the power of this new moon by visualizing with gratitude and affirming your highest hopes. The first 8 hours after exact new moon is the optimal power window to invoke assistance for help with communication, multi-tasking, research & networking." 
So, go forth and MANIFEST 


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