Arbeit macht frei : Or does it?

Arbeit Macht Frei,” or “Work Sets You Free,” is one of the most photographed symbols of the camp, a metaphor and symbol, at Dachau. I remember walking through the gates and the photos of my ancestors, unknown to me thanks to Hitler's genocide, were fresh in my mind.  The wrought-iron words sent a shiver down my spine.  Most of the other inanimate objects, stones, memorials, even the 'ovens' didn't give me the heebie-jeebbies like those words on the gate. 

Today is the Holocaust Remembrance Day and I remember my visit personally, in 2001, and the books and images that still haunt me to this day; Dachau is an experience.  The more I gain a closeness to my ancestors and try to rebirth what was cleansed in some 'shower', I feel as though 'those words' are spiritually heavy. I want to stop, breath, repeat and honor them. Of course they are ironic, sarcastic, but today in the year 2018, they still mean something ominous

In the day of remembrance, for a genocide that effects me to this present day, I think about what is 'work' and 'what sets me free'.  What sets you free, and why? Are you investing in THAT everyday or are you a slave to something far greater with far less intention? 

A happy meditation for a mother staying home with her children. A happy reminder as I feel the hit to my pocket book, going back to the strict budget and hauntings of college debt. Going back to barters, financial stress and trusting of my own services to provide; the way of the gypsy. No more hourly wage, instead I am worth far more than a number and a decimal. I'm more than a number by your dollar sign. The smell of my child's hair, the counting of earned income for investing in local artisans, working hard for the accomplished goal of self-sufficiency.  Growing my own food, not buying processed crap.  Investing time and exercise into my body instead of paying someone to give me pills. Hearing, seeing, feeling the presence of my loved ones at lunch rather than sending an emoji from the drive-thru window 20 miles away. 

Arbeit Macht Frei,” or “Work Sets You Free,” is one of the most forgotten whispers of our generation and it should be yelled from the roof tops. What sets you free? 


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