HUG a G.I. day

National Hug a G.I. Day? 
"Gather around your servicemen and women to give them a hug.  It’s simply a way to show your support. With either a pat on the back or hearty handshake, be sure to give both past and present G.I.s your appreciation. While G.I.s refer to Army personnel, the day encompasses all those who have served in the military.  So, hug those Jarheads, Wingnuts, Squids and Coasties, too!
Today the term G.I. is fairly commonly known to refer to those serving in the Armed Forces of the United States of America. How that came to be is a little less military protocol and more the American story."
I am proud to be married to a man who dedicated his time to the service and to have more than five handfuls of military servicemen and women in my family tree. Many are still actively serving around the world and others are happily retired but still serving in the band!

I have taught my children to respect anyone in a uniform, who is taking pride in their service; police, military, firefighters, nuns, janitors...

Some risk their life, their health, their dignity and their deepest passions to serve others over themselves and taking a moment to thank them is the least we can do.


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