National Spaghetti Day. Slurp

My husband, before we were married, was just a mysterious enigma of a man that occasionally gave me scenarios that had me exploring for days.  He once said over the phone, "I immediately know a lot about a person by the way they eat their spaghetti." He then proceeded to ask me how I ate my pasta, wanting the details.

I don't cut it with a knife, I don't use the spoon you should use, I usually take a few inches and twirl it around my fork and the bottom of my plate. I scoop up more sauce - I love saucy - and slurp up any last thread that I don't make into my mouth. I've eaten a lot of Spaghetti, with an Italian beau-mere - I've thrown a lot of noodles against the wall.

After a long pause, he accepted. He never told me what he preferred, but every time I cook noodly pasta, I try to watch my husband eat. I wonder if he's watching me, I grin about the early days of our dating that don't seem so long ago, and I enjoy.

I love the taste of good memories.

Salt your water with a pinch or two per serving.
Throw a Noodle against the wall to see if it's done. If it sticks, it's ready to drain!
A little sauce into the noodles will help them stay separate until served.
A Tbsp of brown sugar in your tomato sauce goes a long way with fresh basil.


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