Humiliation Day: What a world of stories I could tell...

If you've not yet joined me on INSTAGRAM, shame on you -
However, you'd understand what I'm about to say: My sense of humor has saved me. It saves me still.  One of the reasons I've decided to talk more online, share more despite my Swedish husband's cringes, is because I want to work on my bold, brave, outer shell and to learn how to grow my sense of humor. Improv, feedback, talking, getting it all out - it's all I've learned of Catharsis and Comedy.

I've grown up on some of the greats, though now, the younger generations may not understand them.
Racing thoughts and a pride in my mental illness, a man who always found SMART and wit, LOVE and kindness in his mind. Despite his demons, he was a creative youth, a kind soul and someone who mastered making others laugh at any cost.

I grew up with stand-up that my family kept on VHS. Something we would turn up the volume to after a rough week, rough month, or rough patch.

So many of my inside jokes are because of the dark humor that raised me. My comments of politics, my coping with hate, my little blurps.

I used to be fearful that they would outcast me, but now I realize that my quotes keep them alive, and share their legacy. I hope to meet, mingle, and personally thank those comedians who are still alive and perhaps in 2018, take my humiliation stories to the next level of healing, stories to entertain others.

Follow me ONLINE for LIVE shows, Videos and Live-Streams.


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