September is the New Moon in Virgo

I'm no astrologer, but as a part of my growing intuition, I'm always looking to track something new. I love to see how collaborations, patterns, influences effect my energy and how I can 'see' things when only I pay attention.  This past year, 2018, I've been following BEHATI LIFE and learning new things about planetary alignment. Obviously, I live by the moon and do a ton of my spiritual work by light of the moon - but what about the other big objects out there?
I wanted to include them.

So, I started to list the planets, their normal rotations and locations and how I felt in accordance. I noticed that I DID have similar aversions to retrograde, interesting disconnections when planets were distant and more thoughts of a certain category when aligned with the masses. Something to do with collective consciousness and global astrology? Maybe, but maybe not.

I thought a lot about WHY and HOW the different planets were influencing me and continuing to track these energies has become addictive and helpful. I hope that if your'e interested in more natural ways to grow your spirituality, you'll consider the MOON as a great starting place.
This month, the September New Moon falls on the 9th, and it's 17 degrees in Virgo.  You can read more here:

Some of the things I do on a New Moon:

  1. Rearrange my alter spaces (clean) and set manifestations for the waxing energy
  2. Write down my goals, hopes, wishes, plans. All positive - 
  3. I write down all the stress, negative items and fold them up - give them away or put them up. 
  4. Refresh the smells - laundry, oils on my pillow, open windows and freshen the space. 
  5. New Candle with intentions for the next 28 days 
  6. Learn about SEPTEMBER and write in my Grimoire about spell work for the month (forget me nots, aster flowers, sapphire stones, harvesting produce). 
  7. Plan for the Fall Equinox. 

What are YOU planning to work on when this New Moon falls upon us? 


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