September is the New Moon in Virgo
I'm no astrologer, but as a part of my growing intuition, I'm always looking to track something new. I love to see how collaborations, patterns, influences effect my energy and how I can 'see' things when only I pay attention. This past year, 2018, I've been following BEHATI LIFE and learning new things about planetary alignment. Obviously, I live by the moon and do a ton of my spiritual work by light of the moon - but what about the other big objects out there?
I wanted to include them.
So, I started to list the planets, their normal rotations and locations and how I felt in accordance. I noticed that I DID have similar aversions to retrograde, interesting disconnections when planets were distant and more thoughts of a certain category when aligned with the masses. Something to do with collective consciousness and global astrology? Maybe, but maybe not.
I thought a lot about WHY and HOW the different planets were influencing me and continuing to track these energies has become addictive and helpful. I hope that if your'e interested in more natural ways to grow your spirituality, you'll consider the MOON as a great starting place.
This month, the September New Moon falls on the 9th, and it's 17 degrees in Virgo. You can read more here:
Some of the things I do on a New Moon:
I wanted to include them.
So, I started to list the planets, their normal rotations and locations and how I felt in accordance. I noticed that I DID have similar aversions to retrograde, interesting disconnections when planets were distant and more thoughts of a certain category when aligned with the masses. Something to do with collective consciousness and global astrology? Maybe, but maybe not.
I thought a lot about WHY and HOW the different planets were influencing me and continuing to track these energies has become addictive and helpful. I hope that if your'e interested in more natural ways to grow your spirituality, you'll consider the MOON as a great starting place.
This month, the September New Moon falls on the 9th, and it's 17 degrees in Virgo. You can read more here:
Some of the things I do on a New Moon:
- Rearrange my alter spaces (clean) and set manifestations for the waxing energy
- Write down my goals, hopes, wishes, plans. All positive -
- I write down all the stress, negative items and fold them up - give them away or put them up.
- Refresh the smells - laundry, oils on my pillow, open windows and freshen the space.
- New Candle with intentions for the next 28 days
- Learn about SEPTEMBER and write in my Grimoire about spell work for the month (forget me nots, aster flowers, sapphire stones, harvesting produce).
- Plan for the Fall Equinox.
What are YOU planning to work on when this New Moon falls upon us?
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