Uranus, Taurus, Shifts oh My
Wednesday, only half way there.
The Uranus energy of changes, shifts, flows of energy has me feeling restless and anxious. No matter how much sugar and caffeine I refuse, I seem to feel a buzz and vibration all around me. Uranus shifting in this Full Moon of the Flowers is going to push and support my move to be more Earth Friendly. The shift for Mother Earth and manifesting a more healthy life for my family will reward me, or so the energies of the astrology says.
The Full Moon (Flower Moon) of May is going to have us looking inward for self-beauty. Do not feed social values but instead, evolve the value of self-worth and self-love. Taurus is going to help us rule the power of the Bull, the animals and agriculture of nature all around us, SHE will provide. I hope to learn more about natural farming, raising animals and knowing my food, and nourishing my soul with more time in nature with family. The shift is real and the yearning for this is real. I'm desperately hoping my anxiety can decrease and I'm manifesting these values of health. I hope to wake up and look forward to a morning workout rather than the adverse side effects of my anxiety medication.
I want to spend less, have more. I want to grow more and nourish others more. I know the values of 2018 are helping us shift to a better self, a more aware self, and every new person and change being added to my life is becoming more and more of a validation of this. New territory, new spaces, whether we are comfortable with this or not - we must ride the wave of change and trust the Universe is going to move us in the right place. Otherwise, be left behind and feel the soul neglected and left in the dust.
I love how Uranus, the energies of unique thinking and individuality, a vibration of thinking outside the box. Uranus allows us to plan ahead, plot seeds of prosperity and to be ahead of the trends. If you're making moves now, you're likely with me in feeling rushed but also knowing you must do it. The intuitive are on the crest of the wave and the desire to connect with nature is huge. Building, planning, plotting, change... it's all going to finally be happening.
The waxing moon, something I always feel pulling heavy on my physical body, gives me a high buzz. My anxiety is on edge, I'm a bit irritable and I have to focus on my higher good and fight less. Swallow, sigh, take a moment extra. Taurus rules the Earth and Uranus rules Chaos - this means that Earth is going to be shaking and quaking all around us. Like George Carlin states Mother Earth is going to 'shake some of us off like a bad case of fleas'. Hang on. Ground yourself,
For those enjoying my CURIO BOX going out today, you'll have them in time for the Full Moon next week and you can open your box as a guided self-celebration of how to manifest this powerful energy. Expect quakes in all the dormant places. Chaos is swirling around us and plan ahead; take time for rest and love. The box will be exploring crystals, grids, candles, and basic witch magic but how to spiritually feel more prepared with a sound spirit. Calming the chaotic energy and seeing Uranus energy as a spontaneous change of big moves.
The Universe is talking to you. Listen.
The Uranus energy of changes, shifts, flows of energy has me feeling restless and anxious. No matter how much sugar and caffeine I refuse, I seem to feel a buzz and vibration all around me. Uranus shifting in this Full Moon of the Flowers is going to push and support my move to be more Earth Friendly. The shift for Mother Earth and manifesting a more healthy life for my family will reward me, or so the energies of the astrology says.
The Full Moon (Flower Moon) of May is going to have us looking inward for self-beauty. Do not feed social values but instead, evolve the value of self-worth and self-love. Taurus is going to help us rule the power of the Bull, the animals and agriculture of nature all around us, SHE will provide. I hope to learn more about natural farming, raising animals and knowing my food, and nourishing my soul with more time in nature with family. The shift is real and the yearning for this is real. I'm desperately hoping my anxiety can decrease and I'm manifesting these values of health. I hope to wake up and look forward to a morning workout rather than the adverse side effects of my anxiety medication.
I want to spend less, have more. I want to grow more and nourish others more. I know the values of 2018 are helping us shift to a better self, a more aware self, and every new person and change being added to my life is becoming more and more of a validation of this. New territory, new spaces, whether we are comfortable with this or not - we must ride the wave of change and trust the Universe is going to move us in the right place. Otherwise, be left behind and feel the soul neglected and left in the dust.
I love how Uranus, the energies of unique thinking and individuality, a vibration of thinking outside the box. Uranus allows us to plan ahead, plot seeds of prosperity and to be ahead of the trends. If you're making moves now, you're likely with me in feeling rushed but also knowing you must do it. The intuitive are on the crest of the wave and the desire to connect with nature is huge. Building, planning, plotting, change... it's all going to finally be happening.
The waxing moon, something I always feel pulling heavy on my physical body, gives me a high buzz. My anxiety is on edge, I'm a bit irritable and I have to focus on my higher good and fight less. Swallow, sigh, take a moment extra. Taurus rules the Earth and Uranus rules Chaos - this means that Earth is going to be shaking and quaking all around us. Like George Carlin states Mother Earth is going to 'shake some of us off like a bad case of fleas'. Hang on. Ground yourself,
For those enjoying my CURIO BOX going out today, you'll have them in time for the Full Moon next week and you can open your box as a guided self-celebration of how to manifest this powerful energy. Expect quakes in all the dormant places. Chaos is swirling around us and plan ahead; take time for rest and love. The box will be exploring crystals, grids, candles, and basic witch magic but how to spiritually feel more prepared with a sound spirit. Calming the chaotic energy and seeing Uranus energy as a spontaneous change of big moves.
The Universe is talking to you. Listen.
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