Full Moon Powers Unite!

I love a good full moon, and anyone who has ever worked social services, knows that a full moon CHANGES how we feel. The world shifts a little bit and would it wow you to know, some people can (with a certain level of continued accuracy) predict those changes?  Witches, naturalists, botanists, scientists, nurses, policemen, those aware to the moon phases will tell you that all organic materials are influenced by planetary shifts, magnetism and natural forces. In fact, when you start to relate the planets, visible light and all the little pieces of information that we know changes the way we live, and apply them to our belief systems and meditations in the physical, you can ALSO PREDICT your own abilities to grow in certain ways. You can begin to see ahead, prepare, relax and use information to aid you in life decisions.

Planting good intentions with homemade candles, essential oil sprays and repellents for my nature hike. 
Science, in many ways, is my spirituality. It gets grey and hazy when I go down the astronomy - astrological - numerology worm hole, but that's why I let others go a bit deeper for me. As mentors, guides, fellow seekers, I trust THEIR intuition and use their messages to guide me.  I don't know all there is to know about planetary shifts, so I look to others, like BEHATI LIFE.  I adore her energy and she does a great job delivering HER version of her intuition.

With Mars telling us to DO IT and Jupiter telling us to THINK LONG TERM and Sagittarius instigating major creative energies, the anxiety you might be feeling (if you're anything like me), can be used to harness great lifestyle change.

For me, this change and 'uprooting' will be moving from the city to the north woods here by the end of the moon cycle. I'll be packing, purging, and making major life changes and want to use all the positive energies of the universe to help in aiding this shift.  To USE the movement like a tidal wave to HELP reconnect, rather than to fight any loss of control I might feel as I magnetically pull towards Mother Earth and what she deems HOME.

For those who invest in my monthly CURIO BOX (a monthly box to instigate intuitive growth), we are lighting white candles, manifesting change, transforming with meditation and spell work, and utilizing grids to focus our imagination.  So, today I'm mailing out readings, investing in myself with meditation, a long walk in the Sun and writing down all that I want to manifest in the next 27 days.

Will you join me?  Here is MY full report on the Full Moon and what to expect and I hope you'll check out my free Mini-Readings that I do on Facebook and Instagram.

Happy planting readings and let me know what YOU are manifesting!


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