Nod Less, Cry More and do NOT mute your passion. Thank you ________

I love this Chapter name by JenniferPalmieri and I cannot wait to read her upcoming book.

With that, I formally (and unprofessionally) announce that today I birthed my next book: Dancing Naked in the Grey.  This has a big connection that that message of Jennifer's: do not mute your passion.

Coming to terms with who you are and how you process, is a big metaphorical 'jagged pill' to swallow.  Knowing that maybe you're impulsive, more patient than kind, more kind than patient... whatever the overtones, you finally see them.  Some you can tweak, some you can delete, some you simply learn to celebrate because they are a femur, an artery, a major foundation of our personality. Something we have to learn, through trial and error of life, to love.

For me, that is my empathy and tenacity. I'm a crier, a perfectionist, a home cook who lives on a beer budget with expensive ginger ale taste. I like all things, love certain things and despise most things. I'm learning to live beyond the nod to some online meme that sadly DOES speak to me:

I'm doing more writing and finding them a home later. I'm not waiting to have a savings account or publisher before birthing these emotional stories. I'm not following the rules anymore or muting my passion. I'm simply doing it already.

First, I need more coffee and to give thanks to Jennifer - Go follow her on TWITTER
PS: If you want to do a good deed for the day, check out my publisher LLEWELLYN WORLDWIDE and let them know you want to see "Haunted by the Abyss II" and future books by MOI. <3

(Let's face it, I want my babies to have a home)


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