Today is the National "Monument Day" which might at first, seem a little boring. The truth is, I find that monuments and memorials are those things that often get overlooked. I know I lived in Kansas City, Missouri for almost three decades before going INSIDE the Vietnam Memorial at Liberty Memorial Hill. Living in Minneapolis, MN, it's no different. I'm surrounded by amazing monuments and though I try and stop to see them, most get missed.
Some city Monuments are those 'must visits' that are home-town staples. I'm sad to say that this Monument to Kansas City, MO is gone now, but will always remain in my heart.
Bartle Hall has been the home to car shows, orchestras, and didn't used to take a backseat to the Sprint Center or the new Orchestra hall off Broadway. It used to be the only art-topped pillar in the sky of the KCMO skyline. Not anymore...
Liberty Memorial is a Vietnam Memorial and the one of it's kind, nationwide. I had the opportunity to take this amazing engagement session at the site, but it wasn't the first time I had been at this amazing location in KCMO. Home to the 98.9 Rock shows, concerts, city-wide parties all meet here. |
So, today I'm doing my best to go out and find a few monuments I haven't visited and hope to highlight them on my
INSTAGRAM Feed. Join me in posting YOUR local monuments and some of the favorites you've visited in the past.
Dachau Germany, Concentration Camp |
Minneapolis Art Institute |
St. Paul, MN Vietnam Memorial "The Unnamed Soldier" |
The Basilica is home to the annual Block-Party, has the occasional celebrity-pope visitation but is also one of the nation's first Catholic Cathedrals. It's a monument and staple in the Mpls skyline and is one of my favorite places to visit. |
This monument can be found on the lawn of my undergraduate studies, MIZ! Home to the Tigers, Como (Columbia, Missouri) is home to Columbia College, MU, and a ton of Civil War Memorials. These famous pillars are just one of the little things to help remind us why we hate KU so much. ;) |
Downtown St. Paul, MN has many touching Memorials to veterans and those who serve. This soldier, hands open to the sky, is more than an average monument. |
If you've left downtown KCMO and you're driving into north-town to hit up Longboards, the famous and delicious sub-shop on your way to haunted Belvior Winery, you'll see this famous bridge. One of the nation's first Suspension bridges and beautiful at night - though Fairfax can give you quite the stink. |
Remember Us. Minnesota War Memorial |
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