Why so Serious? A glimpse into a discussion on emotions

I adore the concept of human emotions.  The spectrum of connection to self and others, to Earth and sky, to a faith and skepticism. Fear of the unknown and the deep roots and motivations of extreme behavior. I snuggle into books like THE SCIENCE OF EVIL and THE PSYCHOPATH INSIDE and explore my own dark thoughts and experiences.

It is for this reason I have specialized my research in forensic psychology to psychopathy and why intuition and paranormal phenomenon are often topics in my world. Lately, on a psychology forum online, people within the Psychology community are talking about these topics too. Diversity, culture, depression, labels and how we, as a society, make emotional change.

It's Not Always Depression: ARTICLE HERE

I responded online with the following:
In my opinion, as someone who works in clinical psychology but also someone who struggles with anxiety, it is not so much the internal inability to process emotions but the inability to express them in public. PUBLIC - think about how technology and external and/or internal environment has changed and how the generation gap of conditioning (the TEACHING of how to cope with anger) is very different. 
No one has privacy. No one has the ability to be weird or to fail without the FEAR that it will haunt them forever. This is a big external factor that contributes to an internal void that influences the increase in depression and anxiety - in my opinion. 
Desensitization via gaming, collective consciousness, lack of emotional behavior and anonymity via the internet...
Always trying to dance around those who have credentials, egos, and very important perspectives to add. I want to initiate discussion and I want people to respect the changes we've seen in the last fifty years.
Ask yourself,
What is privacy?
Who is judging me and why?
When am I alone and how do I feel when I'm alone?
Can I live without the Internet?
How does the internet make me feel?

Just some of these explorations have helped others to see that the internet serves a far greater purpose than just a medium for information. In fact, it is teaching, molding, conditioning and influencing us far more than any other THING in our lives. When is this 'power' okay to introduce to a child and do we even control that as parents?

Insert worm hole of anxiety for parents. Insert a whole discussion of INTERNET POWER that CEO's and those who control our internet don't want us discussing. Insert behavioral analytics, consumerism, behavior modification and conspiracy theory. Insert a whole new post.


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