What is a Jewel? National Jewel Day for what it means!

First, I suppose you might google the mind for 'jewel' and come up with a beautiful, snaggle-toothed yodeler.  I always loved her music, but she isn't what comes to mind first. I think of my obsession for rocks, stones and little curiosities.

As a child, my nanny Connie would always pick up a stone from an adventure, even imagining the more dull stones as 'moon rocks from another fun-dimension'.  We had baskets of rocks that were really baskets of fun, belly-laughing memories with one another.  Some were gathered from the banks of the Ozarks as we played upon the shore in the summer and other rocks were polished at a tourist store on the stop outside Niagara Falls.  Stones for all occasions, stones for a purpose and stones that serve purpose; always grounding me and triggering a lesson.

Jewels are supposed to be like pirate treasure, something with a high price of value. For me, I've never been one to spend a lot of money on a stone, when I would rather unearth it myself.  A Peridot was usually the most polished stone I have on hand, or pearls - those items that are subjectively special to me.  My birthday stone, a sign of a loved ones' birthday or some assumption of a certain color and gift to someone. Jewels are still physical manifestations of something through time; something hardened. As schizophrenic as it might sound, I love when a certain stone speaks to me and I love to go home, clean it up, and learn all about it's history.

Each stone has it's own make-up, region, home and story of how it came to travel away from it. Their rings and divots, cracks and holes, made over time by life's interaction.  Each stone is unique and yet unforgettable. So metaphorical to the human species and such the opposite of what 'we' are about. Perhaps that is why I try and where a stone or collect rocks when I can... they ground me.

They remind me of TIME and how fleeting MINE is.

WISHING STONES: The white ring around a stone can remind us of infinity, cycles, seasons and how connected we all are. The stone is a ring, a moment in time, and the beginning of the end - the end of the beginning. A wish for love that grows with positive omen. A luck stone.


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