Sneaky Universe. You've Got to be Shitting Me.
Seriously, every Fortune Cookie, every Horoscope, every single article on Astrology right now is giving me clear hind-sight. What do you think is happening this Summer?
Making new friends isn't always at the top of every Virgo's list, but in 2018, it might just occupy the number-one spot. With open-hearted and outspoken Jupiter in Scorpio and your communication house until November, even the hermit-like Virgos of the world could turn into master networkers. Get ready: Friends of all stripes could enter your orbit, some quite different from you. Normally, you prefer a well-edited circle of like-minded people who bring thought-provoking conversations. (Or, you just savor spending time alone!) With Jupiter here, variety is the new spice of life. Not that you won't have plenty of fascinating stuff to discuss. Prepare to encounter stimulating people (friends, neighbors, colleagues) and material (books, podcasts and classes)—and maybe to make some media magic of your own. With globetrotting Jupiter in your third house of local action, you might branch out and move to a new part of town, or start exploring a "second city."
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