Old Rock Day: I happen to share an affinity for stones...
Stones, rocks, gems of Mother Earth, I love them all. I suppose you could group me into the hipster trend of rock-hunter that seems to be all the rage right now, but know that I've always had a box of rocks in my life since I was a wee tot. My mother and grandmother, both naturalists, were huge rock collectors. The Cherokee and Apache family and friends would tell amazing tales of agates and stones for spiritual guidance and even my Christian grandmother on my dad's side kept a Quartz in her window sill.
Stones have always been there; a rock solid memory. Said to be grounding, changers of frequency, bartering items of ol' and special reminders of our past; stones are where it's at. I love seeing what stones call to people, who gives a shit and what person decides to notice. What stone a person keeps on their person or what stone calls to them is important, spiritually speaking, and even health wise.
Stones can be kept in or around your person for mental anchors, energy cleansers, sentimental reminders or even just fancy paper weights. I suggest everyone go rock-hunting once in their life and then just keep a favorite stone on you for one week... see how you feel.
My coven of people is HUGE into stone collecting. One woman helps to craft with stones and her children even gather favorite stones as they leave their neighbor stone-store. One sisterhood of magic share stone necklaces with one another, exchanged throughout our circle as gifts, made by another woman close around...
Stone magic is real, really cool and freaky addictive, like a tattoo.
What stone calls to you? Join me ONLINE as we talk more and I host psychic ROCK sessions!

Stones have always been there; a rock solid memory. Said to be grounding, changers of frequency, bartering items of ol' and special reminders of our past; stones are where it's at. I love seeing what stones call to people, who gives a shit and what person decides to notice. What stone a person keeps on their person or what stone calls to them is important, spiritually speaking, and even health wise.
Stones can be kept in or around your person for mental anchors, energy cleansers, sentimental reminders or even just fancy paper weights. I suggest everyone go rock-hunting once in their life and then just keep a favorite stone on you for one week... see how you feel.
My coven of people is HUGE into stone collecting. One woman helps to craft with stones and her children even gather favorite stones as they leave their neighbor stone-store. One sisterhood of magic share stone necklaces with one another, exchanged throughout our circle as gifts, made by another woman close around...

Stone magic is real, really cool and freaky addictive, like a tattoo.
What stone calls to you? Join me ONLINE as we talk more and I host psychic ROCK sessions!
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