Festival Of Sleep Day:

Ah, the Festival of Sleep. Too bad many of us, including me, will be up at the butt-crack of dawn to start the daily grind. Get up, get the kids going, shoo out the door by 6:30am and hope to make it to work by 8:00am after dropping the kids off...

Drive more at work and then after work? Drive some more to pick up the kids, then drive some more to get home by 6:30pm. Just in time to cook, clean, barely look at myself in the mirror and figure out what I've missed for the day.

Sleep? I need more, I want more, I hope to buy a new mattress this year. I use Melatonin (2mg with Passion Flower) if I'm struggling or even suggest some hot tea before bed. I adore sleep routines, sleep journals, stones around my pillow and essential oils (yling ylang) on my pillow.

The last five years I have shared my queen sized bed with a man that towers above me and with two little toddlers that always find a way to go to sleep in their beds but wake up in mine. I wouldn't trade a single snuggle moment but I daydream about the days of SLEEPING IN or having my OWN BED.


  1. I can't imagine what it's like to do the daily routine with a family!


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