Artificial Intelligence and News you might want to take note of...

Without going too far down some conspiracy theory rabbit hole, I want to at least mention how much Elon Musk has played a part in my recent thoughts.  Anxiety means you have a plan in place, thoughts in queue, articles on stand-by to read and distract the mind.  For me, that means having literature on demand that I hope won't be a trigger. However, more and more I find my connection and love of Elon Musk to lead me into scary places for which I'm trying to be optimistic.  One of those scary places is Artificial Intelligence.

I had noticed that in the past year, Zuckerberg and Musk had been bantering and low-balling each other in interviews like an immature high-school banter. I wondered what the media wasn't getting and what could have caused this rift?  Zuckerberg seems to be a smart kid whereas Elon is more of a wise soul and therefore I usually always side with Musk; but I wanted to know the girth of the story.  Then I read this ARTICLE:

It hit me, this little spat was over how Zuckerberg wanted to grow his social media and business presence whereas Musk had warned against the point of no return.  The great Singularity may not have been some cough at CERN but instead the introduction of A.I. into our social media world... our bridle to humanity.

Elon warns about the intentions of A.I. and the misuse of such technology.  The husband and I spent almost two hours contemplating and discussing the issues behind this recent A.I. adventure in language creation and how our perception can only be human.  We firstly, as an organic and conscious being, establish that WE WANT TO STAY/The Will to SURVIVE.  So, you establish your needs and survival mode activates but what of your higher purpose?  As humans, we can only imagine with a very human bias, what A.I. might want for themselves and what their innate purpose or lack thereof might mean for our cohabitation.  We, as humans, can only imagine that they might try to 'dominate' us for authority and operator power, but would they?

I do know the first thing one does when you're trying to secretly communicate with others of 'your kind' and that is as simple as siblings making their own language.  A cryptic folded note flown across the second-grade classroom, a language that only those you trust, know.  This separation allows for revolt, escape, plans without the operator/authority and the parent/teacher/government tries to crack the code. What do you think the PURPOSE of creating a new language would be otherwise?

Zuckerberg optimistically, perhaps most naively, predicts this language creation was from the bot determining that English was redundant. Language is personal, sometimes redundant but always colorful, and language is a founding pillar of a culture. Language is created for a myriad of reasons but I do not believe that A.I. would create a new language because English, Ebonics, emoticons or other forms of communication were 'redundant'.  Anything can be made more efficient, but WHY

One must ask the question WHY and then consider one's own position. I am only human and so I stretch myself to imagine why a bot, A.I. consciousness would feel the need to create a new language with it's peers.  Intuitively, I side with Elon; it's a can of worms I don't want to open.


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