I may have chosen the wrong profession...
I truly believe one of these days I'm going to throw my coffee against the wall and storm out in a hustle to enroll myself in computer classes. Sure, I dated a hacker back in high school and I can type more than 125wpm but if you asked me, "Sarah - did you throw a mini-hissy fit this morning because your entire blog was linked to some Danielle Cooper/fashion blogger in NYC this morning?" I would shamefully have to tell you, "yes, I did."
That's right folks, I attacked the freshly spilled attempt at seeding organic veggies from scratch (that had been dumped on the floor by my dearest children) with my half-dying vacuum while cursing at some pre-coded template that had defeated me. I spent nearly two hours trying to cut/paste a cool 'free template' into my blog only to find that I didn't restore/backup and all my widgets and links would take you to some mildly successful fashion blogger in downtown NYC. Go her - what a brilliant villainous marketing scheme. My anger turned from a hot fire to motivation to sit back down. I cleared it all, started again, and though it does not look like I want - damn if this blog doesn't reflect my 'inner being' at the moment - disheveled and a bit lost.
My family of Marine nurses told me when I chose forensic psychology that I had 'chosen a poorly paid profession' but I put my nose in the air and marched the path less paid, pun intended. Here I am, cold coffee at my desk, windows open, and the sun is calling me outdoors to relax and just disconnect. The point again was to indeed find more peace, catharsis, focus -
I suppose my floor is clean and I revamped a bit.
:) Carry on.
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