A brief Thank You
I'm a VIRGO and that means I worry until I'm sick and when my plans don't go to perfection, I feel like a failure. It was this night in particular that instigated the change in social media. Distancing myself from my phone, from toxic people and to take very seriously that my anxiety attacks were not just a figment of my 'weak mind' and imagination. I felt as though I was having a heart attack and without hesitation or annoyance my husband cancelled his night out with friends to join me in the ER (on a Friday no less). He's a saint and quite frankly is a pillar of strength for me to be so raw and exposed. He makes me feel beautiful even when I've lately felt my worst. When I think I'm in the darkest of depressions, between hazy tears and melted mascara, he stands there with a smile and reminds me that I am loved.
I hope to go more into the anxiety struggle and also my PCOD but first, just a 'thank you' to the person who helps me make anything I do, possible.
It takes a village. Seriously.
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